How to arrive in Bocas del Toro, Panama?

Coming from Panama City, David or Costa Rica? We will help you plan your journey!

Option 1: Take a taxi to Albrook Airport in Panama City. Fly with AirPanama from Albrook Airport to Bocas del Toro airport on Isla Colon. We can collect you from there by boat for $85. The flight is one hour and the journey to La Vida Resort is 40 minutes. This is the fastest and easiest way into the archipelago!

Option 2: Coming from David or Panama City? This is the quickest and cheapest option. Take a bus to Chiriqui Grande, take a 10 minute taxi ride to the main dock, take the PanaBocas Speedboat service ($10 per person) to Loma Partida, where we can collect you on our boat for $60.

The bus from Panama City takes approximately 8 hours to reach Chiriqui Grande and the speedboat journey is 20minutes, followed by a 30minutes journey on our boat to the Resort.

Option 3: Take the bus from Panama City, David or the Costa Rica’n border at Sixoala to Almirante. Take the Panaboat Speedboat service to Isla Colon for ($8 per person). We can collect you from Isla Colon for $85.

The bus from Panama City to Almirante takes 10 hours, and the speedboat service takes 30minutes. The journey to La Vida Resort from Isla Colon takes 40 minutes and is a beautiful journey, often seeing dolphins on the way!